Friday, May 9, 2008

Go West, Young Family

A year ago I took my family on our first RV trip. Dawn and I kept our goals small and our expectations low. We rented an RV and took a 4-day trip to New Hampshire. Our destination was only 200 miles away so, if the trip went bad, we could hightail it back home in just a few hours.

Much to our surprise, the trip was a great success. By success I mean we came back with the same number of people we left with and the RV didn't end up a smoldering heap in a ditch. In fact, we were so pleased by our experience that we decided to do it again this year but this time extend our time on the road and see more of the country. We settled on Oklahoma City as our destination (all the native New Englanders reading this just asked themselves, "why?") and started planning our trip.

This year's journey would require more planning, more money and more patience than my wife and I had mustered during our trip to New Hampshire. But we both love road trips and seeing what new adventure might be over the next hill. To record our adventure, we've created this blog. Dawn has her own blog (the domestic goddess) as do I (, but we thought a separate travel blog would be a good place to compile our experiences.

So, for our small but loyal audience, enjoy.



GE is me said...

WOOT! Am looking forward to reading the highly acclaimed adventures of the Kerr family. Do you put J.O. & H.P. in car seats (or any of them for that matter?) or do they all get to just roam around freely as we drive on down the road? BTW I hear possum road kill for dinner is the best in the midwest! :) (k, joking!)
I will be praying for y'all to have a safe, fun, uneventful, yet adventurous trip.
Hugs, -G

Unknown said...

Have fun! Our road trip from WA to MA is still a fond memory.And we did it in a station you all are bound to have fun.
Don't for get to add an hour in the right places for central time and SUBTRACT the hour coming home...that was our one major demoralizing mistake.
When you to the RV thang to Sandusky count us in..LOVE Shell

Bill Parmentier said...

Best of luck on your trip. By the way .. Nice family photo. Where did ya get it?? :)

mobrie said...

How is Dawn going to bake a cake every day in the RV? Don't forget to account for altitude if you're baking in the mountains!

I love the family picture and the header graphics for this and TDG.