Wednesday, May 21, 2008

From Tulsa, OK

The KOA we stayed in tonight did not have WiFi. I was annoyed with that. How spoiled am I? We use a GPS to find the nearest WalMart, a cell phone to call ahead to the KOA's, the laptop to let y'all know what we're doing. My goodness, how did anyone go RVing before 2000?

I'm sorry if I sound edgy. Yesterday I had my first frappuchino. Its been three days since my last froufy coffee drink (again, how spoiled am I?) I was going through withdrawal. My tongue was dry, my ankles swollen, my vision blurry. The day before, I actually broke down and had a cappuccino from a machine at a truck stop. While eating beef jerky. Does that qualify for being multi-cultural?

Oh yeah, we're on a trip and its not all about me....

Yesterday morning provided lots of blog fodder and all before 10:00 am! We started the day at a Waffle House down the road. Sunny day, Waffle House, Patsy Cline on the jukebox. Could life get any better?

Soon after ordering, four bus drivers walked in and ordered. Pork Chops, Sirloin Steaks, Smothered Pork Chop Dinner and Steak and Eggs. People! Pace yourselves! It's only nine o'clock in the morning!

We've been playing a game while on the road. The kids are to collect as many signatures as they can from various people. Not complete strangers, mind you but store clerks, park rangers, waitresses, etc. So our girls asked our hale and hearty Waffle House waitress Dana if she would sign. Not only did she sign, but she took matters into her own hands. "Donna!" she yelled to the cook, "Git over here and sign this! Mike (a customer), you too!" When Bo Hunkmeister pointed out that she didn't charge us for a waffle, she replied, "I ain't worried about it."

Speaking of the kids, at breakfast, Bo and I asked them how they have been liking the trip so far. The girls said, "Love it!" W. Bear said, "This right here!" Tater said, "Huh?" (Tater is a blonde who is not helping disprove the stereotype.) Baby was too busy horking down some waffles to answer.

The big event for the day was going to the St. Louis Arch. Here's some trivia: it's official name is the Jefferson National Expansion Monument. Bo said it was the McDonald's arches but one fell. That plays on so many levels (national expansion vis a vis McDonald's for those of you scratching your heads). Anyway, the arch is really a lot more beautiful in real life. Its smaller than I though but real shiny. How do they get it to stay so shiny? And its right on the shores of the Mississippi. The funny part is there's a plaque just before you enter "An Excellence in Engineering Plaque" I don't know why but my first thought was, "Well duh, let's see anyone else build something this large and this cool and not have it fall into the river!" (still hadn't had my frappuchino yet so I was a bit punchy)

We also met up with some Vietnam Veteran bikers. These gentlemen were headed for Washington, DC for an annual event they call "Run for the Wall" Some of these guys had been on the road for weeks and had weeks to go. Rock on guys!

Last night we settled in at the Tulsa KOA. Right across the street from a casino. I asked Bo if he wanted to go and he said, "Two words for you, nest egg." Tell what movie that was from and I'll be really impressed.


GE is me said...

My movie guess is "Color of Money". But then again as much as I love "Remember the Titans" I couldn't quote a line from it to save my life. :)
Glad to see all the children still in 1 piece. btw- did letting the 2 youngest put stickers all over Bo's face remove any facial hair or just hurt a lot? I'm glad he thinks he has no quirks. I have some swamp land in Fl. for sale, cheap!(yes, I read the sarcasm in his post?)
Are you home yet? when are you coming home?(read with a whiny 4 y.o. voice-not tater's) I miss you, can you tell?
Interesting game y'all are playing. Is it just to see who can get the most signatures?
btw- what did you get for your b-day besides leaving for the trip??
We rode the mc to group tonite.
Looking forward to hearing more about the adventures.

Justin said...

Its "Lost in America" with Julie Hagerty and Albert Brooks. Its about a couple that quits their jobs and goes across the US in a Winnebago. The wife unfortunately loses all their money in a frenzied night in Las Vegas.