Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hello Bellefonte, PA!

We made it! Four hours past schedule but we made it! We are at the Bellefonte KOA. Can't tell you much about it because it's dark. However, the kiddies are sleeping soundly and that's a beautiful scene. We actually got on the road at 9:16 am this morning. But after gassing up, and a Wally World stop (WalMart for you non-snarky types), we didn't get on the highway until 11:00 am. But we had a good trip overall.

Our current praise list:
1. Baby didn't break anything
2. We didn't lose any of the kids
3. We didn't pick up any extra ones
4. The kids had fun taking lots of pictures....lots and lots of pictures....of trees..... and each other.....and more trees....and some trees

We could use some prayer for:
1 The RV! as Bo Hunkmeister says, "Looks like she's been rode hard and put away wet." To us who speak English and not Texan, this means she's got a few flaws. Like the a/c unit leaks when it rains. And its raining now.
2. That Baby can take some naps tomorrow. As I mentioned, we rolled in pretty late so he didn't get to bed until 9:30, waaaay past his normal bedtime.

Okay, I'm all out of clever and I need to sleep. Tune in tomorrow for news from Buckeye Lake, Ohio!

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