Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I have children?

While the Domestic Goddess has been dutifully recording the day to day (and sometimes moment to moment) events, I've been occupied with driving, pumping gas (takes about $160 to fill up the RV) and finding the next WalMart. I've also been thinking about my kids. Living in such close quarters with your children forces you to either get to know them better or run screaming from the RV. I've chosen the former and I think I'm better for it.

In the mix of kids we have, the older ones get more attention from me because they are able to form complete sentences. We can carry on a conversation, play a board game or enjoy an episode of the Addams Family together. The youngest two are, for the most part, bodies that live in our house and eat food. Having spent the last four days in close quarters with a four year old and a two year old, I've learned to relate to them on their level. In other words, I sit next to them and let them put stickers on my face. Not only have I come to appreciate the younger ones, but I've learned to live in (relative) harmony with all five and discover their differences and idiosyncrasies (thank goodness I don't have any quirks). Hopefully, my children have also come to see I'm not simply "Mr. No" but can have fun with them.

I've really enjoying our time together so far. We haven't been able to make as many stops as I would like because Dad didn't calculate time and distance very well (we're averaging 400 miles a day) and we've been moving at a fairly brisk pace. However, as some guy whose name I can't remember once said (I think), "it's not the destination but the journey."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Justin, its good to know you guys are having a great trip. I hope the weather is good and that you guys are enjoying some relaxing camping experiences besides the travel time. When do we get to see some pictures?