Thursday, May 8, 2014

It's all in the Planning

Day 3

270 something miles...

This was one of those days. Well, not really. The day was fine. It's that post 5:00pm stuff when the novelty of a road trip has worn off and you're wondering exactly when you're going to make it to camp and just how late dinner will be and how long the kids will last before someone melts down and hopefully that's not Mom.

But you're not reading this to hear me whine, are you?

In truth, today was a good day.

We woke up in a lovely camp in the woods where we were one of five campers there so it was nice and peaceful. Bo made pancakes for the kids while I went for a run. The little ones played at the playground while we made the rig ready, and we left at a leisurely pace to our next stop.

As parents, we feel part of our job is to show our kids great and wonderful things. One of those things was the joys of camping (kind of) in the woods. The other wonderful thing we showed them was Wegman's. They were kind of in awe when we walked into the store as it's much larger and prettier than stores near us. Don't get me wrong, I got mad love for PriceRite and their low prices, but let us just say interior decorating is not their forte. The kids' esteem grew as we went to the bulk candy aisle. I honestly could have gone to the cafe, had a chocolate croissant and large cappuccino, come back 30 minutes later and the kids would still be standing there with their jaws hanging. We earned Best Parents of the Year award by letting them each get a couple of fistfuls of bulk candy.

Then we went to the prepared foods court. I though Buttercup would explode when she saw the vast array of choices. Bo ended up getting honey braised fried chicken, I got sushi, and the girls shared some sushi and edamame. We had our Elevensies and by the time we got on the road, it was noon.

Herein was our problem: we planned our daily milage to avoid getting into camp late like we did the last RV trip. However, not getting on the road until noon threw a kink in the works as well as the traffic in and around Baltimore and Washington, DC.

With each traffic snarl, we did a quick calculation in our head to see how much later dinner was going to be. By the time we hit 6:00 pm and knowing camp was still far off, Bo decided to call an audible in the shape of Chik Fil A. Mom didn't have to worry about cooking, Dad didn't have to break speed limits and everyone got waffle fries; it was win, win.

So here we are in Lake Anna (a lake but no Annas in sight) a little tired and looking over our itinerary for tomorrow. Thankfully, we don't have much in the way of milage to cover and now we know not to spend two hours in the morning at our favorite grocery store.

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